Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED


826 Home Street, Bronx, New York


Meditation: Part 2 Tips

I have been blessed this summer with having access to a place up north in the middle of nowhere.  The kind of place where you are literally confronted with all that nature has to offer: the good and the bad (read: bears!).   I have felt a sense of peace here that I have never felt anywhere in my life, like I was meant to be here.  In this place taking a walk, going for a swim or just sitting on the dock and observing nature was meditative and took very little effort.  If you can find a space like this in your area, where you can just be with nature and your thoughts, then you are well on your way to meditating.  Just keep it positive, be kind in your thoughts and follow these tips: 

1. Wait an hour or so after eating so that you are not distracted by the rumblings in your tummy

2. Have a green tea for the calming effects of l-theanine and hit up the loo before you begin

3. Do some kind of physical activity to warm the body; something that makes you happy and will allow you to sit or lay down comfortably for a period of time.

4. Breathe deeply, allowing your belly to rise and fall with the breath.

5. Go for a walk in nature, or create a quite space in your home that is just yours and for the purpose of meditating alone. 

6. If meditating inside, use a diffuser like this one from Saje with a calming diffuser blend.

7. Close or cover your eyes with a scented eye pillow. 

8. Create a visual and/or auditory sound that you find calming i.e. a candle burning, ocean waves, leaves falling from a tree

9. Keep it short and build up the time spent meditating—use a timer

10. No expectations, be present

11. Use a simple mantra:  So Hum, Hum Sah (this simply means “I am; I am that”)

12. To make peace with unwanted thoughts, say to yourself that you will make better decisions after you’ve cleared your mind.

Meditation Part 1


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